No band name has ever encapsulated the journey a group of friends has made as much as Daring Greatly.

Daring Greatly is made up of two brothers, Patrick and Liam Croome, and their best friend Brayden Tario. While all three are involved in the vocals, Patrick jams the acoustic guitar, Liam gets funky with the nord organ and piano, and Brayden slams down on the drums. 

The trio found their passion for music in the tunes of Canadian rock-n-roll and American Folk from the 1960’s and 70’s, and in 2012 formed Daring Greatly to encapsulate a rockin’ blend of the two sounds. Although 2012 is the “official” founding year of the band, it’s worth noting that Patrick and Liam were performing on stage when they were just toddlers… three and five years old! 

Initially from Calgary, Alberta, the up-and-comers were handed their first big opportunity to go on tour in 2015… accompanied by their first big setback.

On the road, the trio had to stand on the side of the highway and watch their tour bus drown in flames. Instead of wallowing in the difficulty, the three bandmates decided they would dare greatly and finish what they started, loading tiny trailers with whatever gear didn’t perish in the fire and making it to their destination in Southern California. 

After fighting through the adversity of a rocky start, Daring Greatly charged forward in their careers with their debut album Cornerstones in 2016. Since then they have continued to harmoniously blend earthy folk music with soft rock in a way that pushes past genre limitations. 

Currently, you can find the group touring through Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest while promoting their fourth album in just six years, Gird Valley. A seasoned and respected touring career lands Daring Greatly as a loved, down-to-earth group held close to the hearts of fans of their work. Patrick, Liam, and Brayden have done over 1,000 shows across the entirety of North America since their first tour in 2015, just under 200 shows each year. 

While living in a tour bus, the soulful group continues to pump out original and creative tunes. The release of Cornerstones in 2016 was quickly followed by Works of Art just one year later. Four years of writing, recording, and touring later led them to the release of Give Myself to the World in 2021, which was quickly followed by their latest release, Gird Valley (2022).

Daring Greatly would add to the lineup lead guitarist David Mills (from Lake Elsinore, CA) in 2019, and bassist/songwriter Matt Spatol (from Milwaukee, WI) in 2021, mixing some American blood into the Canadian gene pool just as their genre mash-up is inspired by. 

Since their inception the name Daring Greatly has been a merit for the hard work, dedication, and ambition that the bandmates live by every day. It’s these values that have granted them the opportunity to play on some of the same stages as names like Bon Jovi, The Struts, Sublime, and many, many others. 

Daring Greatly will continue to dare greatly, and you won’t want to miss your chance to see them at their best when they take the stage at Wonderfront Music & Arts Festival. To learn more about their journey and plans for the future, check out their website at www.daring-greatly.com.

Make sure to grab your tickets to see them alongside the rest of the A-List lineup at www.wonderfrontfestival.com.





About WONDERFRONT Music & Arts Festival
The return of the 7+ stage, 80+ band, 3-day music, culinary and arts festival descending upon the stunning waterfront of downtown San Diego – “where the city meets the sea.” The festival will feature stages and activations spread across the various parks and piers along the Port of San Diego, from the Embarcadero Park up to Broadway Pier.

About Wonderlust Events, LLC
Based in San Diego, Wonderlust Events llc is an innovative events and entertainment company focused on conceiving, creating, and executing impactful, music-based live experiences delivered across multiple mediums (theatrical, traditional, and streaming broadcast). Its founders, Paul Thornton and Ernie Hahn, each have over 25 years of experience in large-scale event promotions, production and creative development.

Media Contacts:
Esther Shepherd
208 761-7729

Kira Finkenberg
619 204-7342

Friday-Sunday, November 18-20, 2022
550 West B Street, 4 th Floor
San Diego CA 92101
Ph: 619.340.1070

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